It has been a while since my last post.... and boy has a lot been going on.
I have gone back to work full time... BOO! Nathan took the month of January off to stay home with the babies. They all had a great time and are sad that he has to return to work tomorrow. We are very fortunate to have my mom coming to watch the babies for the month of February. We have also been interviewing babysitters and have found two great girls (Sam and Danielle) who will start soon.
Liam and Olivia are growing so big. Liam is 29 inches long (98th percentile) and weighs almost 22 lbs (97th percentile). Olivia is 27 1/2 inches (96th percentile) and weighs almost 19 lbs (93rd percentile). The doctor is amazed at how well they are growing, especially for twins. They also got their 6 month immunizations and a flu shot. A total of four shots each!!! It was not fun but they did a great job.
They both got their two, front, bottom teeth on the same day! They have been troopers as they are teething. Hardly any whining and just a little bit of oragel every now and then. The doctor has instruced up to start "brushing" their teeth twice a day. They were also prescribed a multi-vitamin with fluoride to take every morning.
They have started eating solid food! First rice cereal, and then we tried yellow squash and sweet potatoes. Next up is green beans and carrots... yum yum! They are both doing great eating from a spoon and love every bite. Olivia picked it up faster than Liam, which was surprising since he always seems to be hungry. We have also introduce sippy cups, but they haven't quite gotten the hang of those yet. Good thing they are made with "anti-spill" technology, or we would be cleaning up lots of extra messes.
Both babies can easily roll over now, and Liam enjoys spending a lot of time on his tummy. He hasn't crawled anywhere yet, but he can roll and roll and roll several feet across the room. They love to go in their "jumpies" that hang from the door frame - especially Olivia. I think she would spend all day in there if we would let her. And she never seems to run out of energy to jump. They also love their walkers. Another favorite is to chase Peyton (with help from Mommy or Daddy). They squeal as he runs from them. We also purchased a double jogging stroller and love to go on walks around the neighborhood.
I will try my best to post more often... but after coming home from work, feeding babies, bath time, bed time, getting things ready for the next day, oh and lets not forget tooth brushing... I am exhausted! For now enjoy this video clip... Liam and Olivia playing when they were 5 months old.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Happy New Year!
Happy 2011 to everyone! We sure had a busy holiday season. We flew to Chicago on December 17th with my parents and grandpa. The next day we all drove down to Indianapolis with my Aunt Karen, Uncle Matthew and Aunt Christina. On Sunday, December 19th, Liam and Olivia were baptized at Roberts Park United Methodist Church, where Uncle Ethan and Aunt Aubrey are members. It was such a special day with over 40 friends and family members in attendance. After the ceremony we had a party in honor of the babies, and later that night we celebrated Christmas with all of Nathan's family.
The rest of the stay was just as fun. Some highlights:
Introducing Liam and Olivia to friends and family.
Enjoying a "date night" while Gran watched the babies.
Reading the Polar Express to our kids for the first time.
Playing in the snow for the first time.
On December 28th we drove back to Chicago, expecting to fly home in two days. However, our flight was canceled and we ended up being stuck until January 4th! Thanks Southwest! It was actually a blessing in disguise because we were able to spend more time with our Chicago family.
The only "bad" part was that I was supposed to return to work on the 3rd, and because of the delay I didn't make it in until the 5th. Oh well, after 6 months what's an extra couple of days?!
The babies did awesome on the plane, and we are happy to finally be home. Nathan is off for the month of January, so he is enjoying his time with Liam and Olivia. We are having so much fun watching them grow and learn new things. More on that to come...

The rest of the stay was just as fun. Some highlights:
Introducing Liam and Olivia to friends and family.
Enjoying a "date night" while Gran watched the babies.
Reading the Polar Express to our kids for the first time.
Playing in the snow for the first time.
On December 28th we drove back to Chicago, expecting to fly home in two days. However, our flight was canceled and we ended up being stuck until January 4th! Thanks Southwest! It was actually a blessing in disguise because we were able to spend more time with our Chicago family.
The only "bad" part was that I was supposed to return to work on the 3rd, and because of the delay I didn't make it in until the 5th. Oh well, after 6 months what's an extra couple of days?!
The babies did awesome on the plane, and we are happy to finally be home. Nathan is off for the month of January, so he is enjoying his time with Liam and Olivia. We are having so much fun watching them grow and learn new things. More on that to come...

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