Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First Day of Toddler School

Liam and Olivia had their first day of toddler school on Monday.  We were all so excited.  The toddler program at their school is one day a week for an hour and a half.  Parents must participate, so it is a great way to ease into pre school next year.  (My boss is being very nice and letting me have a flexible schedule, and the school is being very nice and letting my mom take them when I cannot.)  The other great thing is that this program is part of a pre school, so next year they will be able to continue on at the same school with a lot of the same kids.

They had a great time on their first day.  They weren't shy at all, and tried out every activity they could.  Olivia definitely preferred the art stations and made four projects to take home.  Liam liked the cars, animals, kitchen and books.  We had circle time, which Liam chose to "opt out of" for more book time.  Then we went to play outside.  Liam stuck to the sandbox and Olivia liked the water table - both things we have at home but they seemed to be much more exciting at school.

They did great sharing.  In fact, it was very funny because there was one little boy who was not as good at sharing, and Olivia actually went up to him and told him he was bad! 

These were the best pictures I could get, and this was even with cookies for a bribe.  The cookies were supposed to be for an after school treat, but I really wanted to get a picture!  I figured the good part would be that they could fall asleep in the car on the way home and go right into their beds for a nap, but of course that didn't work out either.  Even after all that playing Olivia had tons of energy and refused to go to sleep.

All in all it was a great day.  Can't believe they are two already and going to school.  And very excited to watch them grow and learn more!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Two Year Old Photos

Last month we had photos taken of Liam and Olivia.  They turned out soooooo cute!  I am having a hard time deciding which to order. 

Here is a link to the proofs.  Hopefully it works for everyone.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Look What I Can Do

Now that we have our big kid beds every morning is an adventure.  Liam and Olivia wake up and have decided it is fun to play in their rooms a bit before coming out to find us.  Sometimes this means reading books, other times just turning the light on and off to annoy the still sleepy twin.  

The other morning it was business as usual.  Nathan and I were standing in the kitchen getting ready for work.  We knew they were awake and figured they were playing.  When the door to their room opened  Liam came wandering out looking sleepy.  Then came Olivia.  She had taken her pajama bottoms off and was holding a wipe.  We knew she could take her clothes on and off, but she has never done it without us around.  So this was funny enough.  I was laughing to Nathan saying that she must want her diaper changed since she brought us a wipe.  But then it hit me - how did she have a wipe?  The box must have been on the edge of the dresser.  When we went in to investigate further we found quite a surprise waiting for us!  Every single wipe removed from the full package.  She had also taken out a couple different pairs of leggings from her drawer.  Guess maybe we should stop waiting for them to come out and find us...  

Monday, August 6, 2012

Big Kid Beds

This weekend Nathan and my dad changed Liam and Olivia's cribs into toddler beds.  You should have seen them when they came into their room to check it out!  They both came running in and went to lie down right away.  Then they started screaming and giggling and kicking their feet in the air.  It was so funny.

The first night they went to bed without any problems.  The next day at nap time it was a whole different story.  In and out of bed, in and out of each others beds, lights on and off, knocking on the door, opening the door... it took an hour to get them down for a nap and then they hardly slept.  At least that night they were tired so they went to bed pretty easily again.  But around 11 pm or so (while I was watching the olympics in our room next door) I heard a THUNK, THUNK.  I checked the video monitor to see Olivia on the floor.  The funny thing was she was still sound asleep! 

This morning they got up and were giggling and turning the lights on and off.  Then all of a sudden they appeared in the living room.  We will have to work on the staying in the room part so they don't go wandering around the house on the weekends when mommy and daddy are still asleep. 

Hopefully the next few days go well.  Wish us luck!