Monday, June 27, 2011

Cousin Kayla Visits

We were so lucky that my cousin Kayla could come from Chicago and visit us while our nanny Danielle was away on vacation. Kayla watched the babies everyday while we were at work, so she was very busy while she was here and didn't have much of a vacation! We also fit in a trip down to Stockton, a bridal shower, a birthday party, and much more. It was a busy trip. We loved having her and wish she lived closer. Liam and Olivia miss her very much today.

Olivia's Evil Laugh

Olivia has an evil laugh - like a mad scientist. It is the funniest thing. The best is when she does it when something funny really is happening, or when she takes a toy away from Liam. Our cousin Kayla caught a bit of it on video.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Happy father's day Nathan and Dad! We had a great day. We went swimming at my mom and dad's house. Liam really loved the water. He even wanted to put his face in over and over again. This really surprised us since Olivia tends to be more of the daredevil! Later that day we ordered chinese food from Dave Wong's since my parent's kitchen is still being remodled. I baked my dad a lemon cake for dessert. Yum yum! The babies gave Nathan a t-ball set and some new sunglasses for his baseball games. He also got tickets to a giants game from my parents, so it was a baseball themed father's day. Thank you Daddy and Boppa for being so special to us! We appreciate everything that you do for us all year long. We love you!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


After screaming for ten minutes this morning, Liam decided that he did in fact want to eat his oatmeal and bananas. He just wanted to smear them all over his face first. He also decided that he did not need us to clean him up with a wash cloth when he was done... Peyton's kisses would do just fine!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

That's One Small Step for Liam...

Our big guy took his first steps tonight! We are so proud of him. He was so excited too! He knew he was doing something good! Here is a youtube link to his big accomplishment:

Olivia is trying to copy her big brother, and we are sure it will only be a few days and we will have another video to post of her first steps. In the meantime, here are a few others.

Liam and Olivia love to have bedtime stories read to them. It is something we do every night. Grandma read to them last night after her birthday party:

Liam and Olivia have lots of fun playing the piano together. Here is a clip of one of their first "recitals":

Happy Birthday Grandma

My Mom's birthday is today. We celebrated last night at our house with a barbecue, cake and presents. The babies got to stay up late to help her open her gifts. We had so much fun! Happy birthday Grandma!