Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's a....

boy and a girl! We just got back from the doctor and learned that baby A is a boy and baby B is a girl... just as we had been thinking. From the moment we saw baby B taking up all the space and pushing baby A into the corner we knew it had to be that way - even though the boy is the bigger baby. Right now he measures approximately 15 ounces and the girl is 14 ounces. We also saw their hearts, hands, feet, faces, spines, etc. Everything looks great with both babies. Now we just can't wait to meet them!


  1. Woo hoo!! That is awesome! I'm so happy for you guys! Now, I'm excited to hear what their names are! Congrats you guys! Love, Megan

  2. NICE WORK KATIE AND NATHAN! Q and Maeve are going to LOVE each having a "cousin" to play with! Now, just rest up girl and rest easy. Can't wait to read more and hear more! Love, the McKaes

  3. That is awesome! Way to get both boy and girl all in one shot! I am so excited for you guys and can't wait to see more belly pictures as those two grow inside of you!!!


  4. YEA!!!! So awesome!!!! I can't wait to meet them either! Let the shopping begin! Love you!!! Love, Jess

  5. I'm SO excited for all!!!! Yay, one of each! That's perfect :) We can't wait to meet the little Oakies!!!

  6. That is so exciting!!! I am so happy and can't wait to meet them!! love ya, January

  7. Wow! You sure won't have an Uncle Jessie moment (of not knowing which twin is which ; P). Now you definitely need 2 of everything!
    love, carissa

  8. I am so excited... WOW... one of each! Do you realize this will be the first boy, born into the Roberts,Moses,Flohr and Harrison family in 24 years. And the first girl "born" to the immediate Moses family!

    I Love you both!

  9. SOO excited for you guys - sorry I missed your call today [I was in a meeting :( ] How wonderful to have one of each -- such a blessing!!! Can't wait to see you both AND both the little ones in your tummy in 2 months!!

  10. Sorry I missed your call today - I knew it had to be about this! YAYYY!!!! So excited for you guys, one of each :) Can't wait to see you both and the little ones in you belly in 2 months!!!

  11. Such exciting news :) So happy that Baby Boy & Baby Girl Moses are doing well! I am so excited & happy for you!
    Love, Kristin

  12. Perfect! WE Chicago Flamitchkos are so happy!!!
    Now we get to..... d e c o r a t e!!!!!!! More tummy photos please.
    Much love and happiness to you guys. Enjoy the rest of the ride.
    See you soon.
    xoxoxoxox aunt K

  13. I hope this doesn't take away from my birthday

    Your Friend

    PS:I consider you babies merely acquaintances because we have not officially met and real life isn't like Facebook.

  14. So excited for you guys. According to Brande, a boy and a girl will be much easier for you. Not sure why, but sounds good anyway. You will be very busy and your life will never be the same. Get lots of rest.....

