Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Grandma Laura

Grandma Laura just left for home after spending a week with us. We miss her already! Liam and Olivia had so much fun spending time with their grandma, and Mommy and Daddy really appreciated all the help. She held, fed, burped, changed, rocked, sang, hugged, kissed and told stories to the babies... and still found time to do laundry, dishes, cleaning, yard work and errands. Peyton even had a walk every morning. Not exactly a restful vacation, but we are pretty sure she loved every minute.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED every moment and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of their lives so early on! They are absolutely beautiful and healthy! It was so difficult to hold back tears when I had to leave for the airport and the two guys I sat between on the plane were wondering how many times I could dab my eyes and blow my nose, using my kleenex, before I started using their shirt sleeves.

    I am counting the days to your December visit.
    I love you...Liam, Olivia, Nathan and Katy!
    Gran (Grandma Laura)
