Wednesday, October 6, 2010

2 Month Check-Up

The babies had their 2 month check-up last week. They sure are growing!

Liam is 25 inches long (95th percentile) and weighs 14.1 lbs (90th percentile).
Olivia is 23 inches long (78th percentile) and weighs 12.9 lbs (85th percentile).

They have each doubled in size since they were born!

They also got all of their vaccinations. They did so great - they only cried for a few seconds after the needles went in.

The doctor was also very happy with how well they are gripping things, holding their heads up, and tracking objects with their eyes. We are so proud!

1 comment:

  1. Katy!

    They are absolutely precious! I cannot believe how big they are! I love that they hold can tell they love each other and are so used to being close together...I guess all those months in the womb would do that to you!
