Friday, August 26, 2011

Olivia's First Word!

Last night after bath time, Olivia was in her crib looking at books. Nathan was talking to her and I was putting stuff away in the closet. She stood up and looked at me and said "MA-MA" loud and clear. We both looked at each other and said, "did you hear that?" She has babbled mamamama for a long time now, but this was a very intentional MA-MA. She did it a few more times, pointing at me and smiling. She could tell that we were very excited, so then she started clapping for herself. It was very cute. We haven't been able to get her to do it again, or any other words, but our ears are perked up!

In other Olivia news, I took her to the doctor yesterday because she has been crying when she gets her diaper changed. She doesn't appear to have any sort of diaper rash, but everytime you set her on the changing table - she cries, you take her diaper off - she cries, you wipe her - she cries. I thought maybe she had some sort of infection. After being checked out the doctor let me know that she is suffering from Olivia syndrome. In other words, she has decided that she does not want her diaper changed. Her prescription is to try changing her in other places for a while and see if that takes care of it.

1 comment:

  1. Missing both those little tikes!! :)

    Love Gran
